It is very easy to be the victim of circumstance, complain about it and yet do nothing. When we have absolutely no control we can still choose to make the best of a bad situation. There are, however, a lot of things in our control.

Perhaps you need someone to help you see that and help you determine the options. Get in touch with us if you do. Here are a few things to think about.

What decision will you make to make the most of your 86400 seconds in a day?

I attended a talk many years ago and the one thing that stuck with me was a comment the speaker made about discipline. He said ‘adults need rules’. As children we are (in most cases) subject to rules dished out by our parents. Whilst we may not think so at the time, the rules are there for our benefit.

As adults we may ditch the rules and with no one to keep us on track, who cares? We may find ourselves going to bed too late. We might eat the wrong things. We might not focus on what we know we should at any given time.

What decision will you make about implementing the rules that will serve you?

What decision will you make about the direction of your practice?

Most of our clients have trained as therapists, not as business owners. It is not surprising that most don’t have a concrete plan in place. This results in most practices going from day to day firefighting. This often ends up with practitioners not having the practice they desired.

Whether you’ve been in practice for years or just starting out, spending time to define your direction is invaluable. Getting clarity and focus will help you to concentrate on the right things to implement. Why not make the decision to book onto our ‘Proactive Planning for Business Success’ in January 2019? Give yourself a great head-start in making 2019 the best year yet.

London 10 January

Manchester 22 January

Taunton 25 January

Over the years we have found the way practices are structured fascinating. Especially with regard to the people working in the practice – both on how they are managed and the legal relationship.

More often than not, associates are self-employed. The traditional percentage split is often not supportive of running a successful business. Practice owners find themselves earning less than their associates whilst working many more hours in and on the business.

What decision will you make about how you manage and remunerate your team?

If you need help exploring different models maybe the right decision to make is to book on our course:

Beyond Principals and Associates in February 2019


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01491 659073

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