Let us start by agreeing that it is hopefully not the treatment you offer that is scary. But if it is, I’ll leave you to deal with any scariness on the clinical side of your practice! Halloween got me thinking about what you might perceive as frightening about the business side of your practice. Below are a few thoughts.

The scary bottom-line

A lot of unnecessary worrying can happen because clinic owners don’t know how profitable their practice actually is. It’s often only known once their accountant has done their annual accounts a few months into the next financial year. Not knowing how much profit you are making makes it difficult to make decisions, especially when it involve spending money.

We highly recommend keeping your accounts up to date on a monthly basis. Numbers are often avoided by therapists but in our experience when you start understanding them, you’ll love working with them. We even have two courses to help you with this!

If you’re using or thinking of using the online accounting package, Xero, we have a course coming up in December. If you’d like to Budget for Success, join Lyn at the end of January and start the year as you mean to go on.

Is ‘high turnover of staff and associates’ the scary thing about your practice?

Most practitioners have received little or no management training making it feel very challenging to manage and motivate their team. Finding the right staff is becoming more and more challenging and practice owners often feel ill-equipped in the skill of retaining staff.

It is important to have regular 1-2-1’s with your team members. You can discuss their goals, give them support where they need it and acknowledge their successes and progress. Associates and practice owners are often like passing ships in the night. Make sure you allocate specific time for meetings, not just the snatched time between patients!

Of course Painless Practice have just the workshop to support you if this is the scary thing about your practice. Join Celia in London or Leeds at the end of November for the Managing Staff and your business course.

Is ‘patients not rebooking’ the scary thing about your practice?

If you have patients who don’t rebook, cancel, DNA and constantly reschedule and that makes it the scary thing about your practice, then have a read or re-read of last month’s blog.

Whilst you have just missed the ‘patient retention’ workshop, I will be speaking on the topic at Therapy Expo. We also run this particular workshop in-house for clinic teams throughout the UK and beyond.

Look at your current system and how you follow up with patients – is it airtight? Is it conveying the patient care you desire to provide? How can your team work better together to remove this scary thing about your practice?

Is it something else that is the scary thing about your practice?

We’ve just picked three areas to explore in this blog. Let us know if something else is the scary thing and we’ll do our best to direct you to the resource, the service or the product that will help make it less scary!

How can we help you? Email us


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