Running a private practice can be a daunting task, as there are so many considerations to take into account. If you surround yourself with the right support and approach it with the right attitude, you can be successful and it can be a tremendously rewarding and fulfilling experience

Be pro-active and get the right help
You might read the tips below and think ‘ nothing new there’. If you are doing all of it, then well done you! If you are not implementing the tips below, I hope this serves as a useful reminder and helps you make positive progress. To know and not to do is not to know…

1. Set clear goals – Before you even begin, it’s important to set clear goals for you personally and your practice. What do you want to achieve in the long-term? What kind of services do you want to offer? How do you want to spend your time and therefore who do you need around you? What is your exit plan? These are just a few of many questions to consider.

2. Get crystal clear about WHY you are setting up your practice and how you want the experience for your patients and your team members to be. Once you have defined your purpose and values, take it a step further and define the behaviours which work towards your purpose and uphold your values.

3. Put a plan in place and take action – Once you are clear about what you want to achieve, take time to break it down into manageable chunks, delegate what you can and block time in your diary to take action. Don’t rely on the gaps between patients or the time once the ‘kids have gone to bed’. Don’t fall into the trap thinking you can run a full clinical list and run a business.

4. Look after yourself – Running a private practice is hard work and it’s important to take care of yourself. Invest in your physical and mental health and make time for yourself. This may seem obvious for you as a health professional but it is often the first thing that is neglected when the going gets tough.

5. Find a mentor – Find someone who has experience in private practices and ask for their advice. They can help you avoid making mistakes and give you valuable insight. Be careful not to fall for the too good to be true ‘get 1000’s of patients through the door’ promises out there…they are too good to be true…Come along to our next Friday Focus session or if we can help in any way, do get in touch

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