Xero Bookkeeping Training
Importance of Effective Bookkeeping
For many practitioners, bookkeeping represents an annual box-ticking exercise for tax purposes, but it does have the potential to be a valuable tool if used in the right way. Effective bookkeeping will enable you to monitor your income and expenditure, plan for future growth or difficult periods, and take early action as issues arise.
“The idea of drawing up a plan for asking for referrals was really useful. The session also got me thinking more clearly about the patient journey and handling the end of treatment phase.”
To find out more
Why Xero?
Xero is our bookkeeping software of choice because it is user-friendly, cost-effective, and provides numerous easy-to-read, valuable reports.
Being a cloud-based platform, it enables you to access your accounts anywhere on any device.
Using Xero can potentially also save you money in year-end accounting fees by helping you to provide your accountant with a good set of books to finalise.
Xero Bookkeeping Training
Our bookkeeping expert Maria offers in-house training on how to use Xero and get the best out of it for your practice. The training typically covers the following topics:
Setting up or reviewing your chart of accounts
An introduction to the basic principles of bookkeeping, including an overview of the main reports you need to be consulting regularly
Training on the features you will use on Xero
An explanation of how to interpret the information produced by reports to understand the health of your business and plan accordingly
For a quote or for more information
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01491 659073
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