When Covid stopped everyone in their tracks some practice owners took the time to re-evaluate their practice and make changes they had wanted to make for ages.

As we move into a new normal it is easy to fall back into old habits and not take time to plan, prioritise and take action


We have definitely noticed a big difference in the growth of practices when time is taken to consider the direction and outcomes desired and a plan has been put in place. It doesn’t need to be complicated or sophisticated, in fact the simpler the more effective. 

Take a sheet of paper, write down each area that needs to be considered in your practice – profit, people, marketing, finances, systems etc and write down  what you want to be true about each area in 1 year, 2 years and 3 years.


Days, weeks and months whizz by and it is easy to get to the end of the day, week or month and feel like you didn’t get nearly as much done as you thought you would.

Once you have planned how you want your practice and life to be, it’s important to prioritise the tasks required to get you there. We recommend breaking the tasks into things that have a deadline and need to get done, things you need to get started and things you can delegate to others.

Take Action

We are passionate about planning and prioritising but equally so about taking action. Planning and prioritising may be a zone you are really comfortable in. Staying in your comfort zone will not get you moving towards your goals. 

Set yourself specific times to plan and prioritise and then spring into action. Instead of having a to-do list start a ‘done’ list and complete that at the end of each week. It’s amazing to see the done list growing and the momentum that flows from it


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