With 91 days to complete 2019 or less depending on when you’re reading this newsletter, how can you make each day count?
What does ‘make it count’ mean to you?
‘Make it count’ is a sweeping statement that really needs to be very personal to you.


What needs to be true at the end of 2019 to set 2020 for success?
It could be about specific goals but it could also be about your state of being. What does a ‘good day’ consist of for you? What makes a ‘great day’?
Take your own medicine
Working with private health practitioners we are often in awe of the real difference they make to their patients’ lives. For us it’s a privilege to help our clients to be able to help more people get better and back to what they love.


Whilst it’s often the hands-on treatment that makes the difference, it’s not usually in isolation. Practitioners often provide advice for their patients to follow too.
We have had many conversations with practitioners who are tired, stressed and struggling. One of our questions we ask is ‘what would your advice to a patient be?’
What advice do you give to patients that you could really do with following yourself too to make 2019 count?
We highly recommend reading The One Thing by Gary Keller for tips on minimising distractions, spinning less plates and being more productive.


Trying to do too many things at once usually results in many things being started and very few projects being completed.


The majority of practitioners we meet fall into the ‘starter’ rather than ‘finisher’ category when it comes to working on their practice not just in it. Which are you?


If you’re not a natural ‘finisher’ which ONE project do you want to have completed by the end of this year to make 2019 count?
We hope the above helps you to define and achieve what ‘makes it count’. If you’ve been meaning to reach out to us for support email me now, get booked onto one of our courses below, buy our book or get in touch to finally join one of our success clubs! We are here to help.


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