Suddenly some sayings might take on different meanings for us.


One saying for me that feels both true and impossible at the same time is ‘it’s a small world’. Today’s technology makes it so easy for our world to be perceived as small.


A physio client of mine in the Midlands launched her online service this week and her first booking was from a patient in Spain!
With my daughter stuck in Argentina in lockdown, with borders closed, flights continuously being cancelled the world suddenly does not feel so small! Thankfully she is with a kind family and we have the luxury of amazing communication platforms. So we will keep positive and believe it IS a small world!
Whilst we may feel we have little choice in this crisis we are in, let’s focus on the choices we do have:
  • Our attitude – we can choose how we react and how we behave. We can choose to be negative and energy draining or we can choose to be positive and focus on the what we can do rather than what we can’t. ‘Adversity doesn’t build character, it reveals it’ Let’s choose to reveal our best character.
  • Expressing gratitude – focussing on being thankful for what we have really helps keep one positive in difficult times. When my late husband took his own life 5 years ago my sister called me each day and got me to tell her three things I was grateful for. It was enormously helpful in a very difficult time. If you’re struggling with this crisis, start a gratitude diary -write a few things at the start or end of each day (or both!) It works!


  • Keeping fit and well – I know gym, exercise classes and personal training often forms a big part of my clients’ personal routines. Create a new routine for yourself. Choose when exercise is the most beneficial for you in terms of either getting off to a good start or breaking up the day. There are so many apps you can use and some of your class instructors may be offering classes online too.


  • Making the most of our 86400 seconds a day – it is very easy for drift to set in when we are either so overwhelmed because we have mountains of work to do and end up not doing much at all or when we have the sudden luxury of lots of time on our hands and end up getting to the end of the day having achieved very little. Take time to plan your daily, weekly and monthly objectives. What projects would you like to put onto your ‘done list’ by the end of lockdown?
Let’s look back on this time we have been given and be able to say we made the most of it!
We hope that our thoughts have helped you in some small way and most importantly, we hope that you are all well and keeping safe.

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