Most clinicians chose their profession because they wanted to be great clinicians. Running a clinic needs as much if not more attention that treating patients. A lot of the time working ON the practice is squeezed into small pockets of time between patients or after the kids have gone to bed…let’s explore a better alternative

When you became a clinician, you might have had the dream in the back of your mind to run a business but you might also have just evolved into running your own business. Whichever camp you’re in, you most likely did not have much, if any, formal business training.

Which clinic owner are you? 

Many clinic owners started their own clinic because they were fed up with their boss ‘taking’ 50% of their patient fees. The initial thought that spurred you on might have been “How hard can it be to run a business?” Especially when you get to retain 50% of your associate fees?

There are many clinic owners out there who now wish they had remained an associate as they had less stress and earned more money!

There are also clinic owners who are making seemingly good profits BUT at the expense of the ‘freedom’ they anticipated in having their own clinic – the business seeps into evening and weekends.

It’s not all doom and gloom! There are indeed clinic owners who have got thriving practices and have the balance in life that they desire. This is possible.

Which clinic owner are you?

What do you want?

A good place to start is to sit down and figure out what you really really want. I am not just talking about the type of practice you want – what do you want in life? What does your career / practice need to be like to fulfil your dreams?

Sometimes you might think you want a big shiny practice with a big team and the latest technology but when you look at it in context of your bigger picture, it might be something else you’re looking for. Or perhaps deep down you do want to create your dream practice with a gym and the best team but self-doubt consumes you and you play small.

Put aside the ‘should’ goals, challenge your beliefs and capture your real desires on paper. It’s never too late to change things – no matter where you are in your journey, sit down and give yourself permission to dream and plan.

Treat your business as a patient 

Most clinic owners spend a considerable amount of time being the therapist with a big case load. Whilst you might diligently schedule time in your diary to work on your business, not just in it, invariable this is the time that will be squeezed when something else comes up.

I am guessing you would not dream of cancelling a patient except for exceptionally good reason. Think of your business as your most important patient and don’t move your ‘appointment’ for working on the business for any reason you would not move a patient.

If you were to cancel a patient (for good reason) I expect you would re-schedule them as soon as possible. You’ve guessed it…do the same for your cancelled appointment for working on the business.

Get help

Running a clinic can be challenging and lonely at times. It doesn’t have to be. As I said, you have possibly not had lots of training in running a business. There is so much help available out there. Sometimes saving money ends up costing you money. Perhaps you are ‘saving money’ by doing things that really should be delegated and whilst outsourcing or delegating may cost you money, your time will be freed up to do higher value activities. Perhaps you’re ‘saving money’ by muddling along on your own instead of investing in a business coach to  help you assess your practice, clarify your goals and put a structured plan in place.

Of course we would hope you would choose to work with us if we are the right fit for you and you for us.

I hope the above has given you food for thought and is helpful in getting you to work on your practice, not just in it.

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