Welcome to our April blog! This month’s topic is inspired by having just spent a week with 30 wonderful women celebrating my best friend, Laura’s, 50th birthday on the beautiful island, Zanzibar.

Happy reading!

I can see clearly now

Whilst spending last week in Zanzibar on holiday, the abrupt changes in weather and the diverse life experiences of the women in our group made me really think about life, business and what’s important. Here are a few insights and themes to think about in the context of your life and business.

Take time out

Taking time out to completely switch off is such a good tonic and I’d suggest a necessity rather than a luxury. Life can get busy day to day and it’s easy not to see the wood for the trees. We all need some blue sky thinking from time to time. Getting away can give you the space to think things through which is difficult to do when you’re in the thick of it. Defining or reconnecting with your bigger picture can give you the confidence and strength to make the right decisions.

Own your problem

On one of the afternoons I was in a group who were talking about the challenges they had faced in their lives…bereavements, dysfunctional relationships, retrenchment, failed businesses etc. One of the women shared a story about a television programme she had seen where a box was passed around and everyone wrote their problem on a piece of paper and put it in the box. The box was then passed around again and everyone had to take a problem out. When the audience were asked if they would rather have their own problem back, the majority answered yes. What is your challenge and what can you do to overcome it?

We grow together

Unintentionally, there were many ‘a-ha’ moments throughout the week. There were things that many of us had been mulling over in our minds as one does, and relaxing on the loungers chatting with others resulted in solved challenges, new ideas and changes in direction. Just as the weather changed from dark, thunder shower skies to glorious blue skies and sunshine so did challenges just melt away. And when the sun shines, suddenly the thunderstorm does not seem as fierce as it was perceived.

Be kind to yourself

We are often our own worst critic. How many times do you find yourself criticizing the way you do things, the way you look, the things you haven’t achieved? STOP! I challenge you to 24 hours of not complaining about anything, about yourself or others, and instead look for the good. What are the strengths and good qualities others see in you? And, what sorts of people do you need to surround yourself with and who do you need to distance yourself from?

Push the reset button

Every day the landscape of the beach changed, footprints were washed away, the tide was out further on some days than others and the sea washed up different things each day. Yesterday’s shells were gone and new ones replaced them. Whatever is written in the past chapters of your book of life does not have to determine the next chapter. You have the choice to push the reset button. Start writing your new chapter today.

We hope you find the thoughts above useful and if we can support you through your journey, please do get in touch! Perhaps we can be that person on the lounger next to you (we’re not adverse to a trip to Zanzibar!)


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