With the world of recruitment as it is today, it is so important to create an environment where your team members love coming to work, feel engaged and motivated. Here is some food for thought

The bigger picture

Just as it is important for the business owner to really connect with the bigger picture, it is important that your team are inspired by the ultimate cause of the practice (and perhaps the profession) rather than only focussing on the day to day or year to year milestones.

Simon Sinek, author of The Infinite Game, refers to the cause as a just cause that you are willing to sacrifice your personal interests for the sake of the cause. This needs to be crystal clear because that’s what will direct decisions.

This requires an environment of trust where team members are able to make a mistake and share their challenges without any fear of humiliation and retribution. When there is short-term pain, you will have people who are going to go along with you because they believe that it’s worth it.

How many of your team members are truly engaged in the bigger picture?

Fear Less

Dr Pippa Grange’s book, Fear Less: How to win your way in work and life talks about how we all have fears in our lives, and these fears impact us in so many different levels, including in our business. Recognising these fears and overcoming them can have a transformational impact on your life and business.

Some of your fears may be impacting the relationships you have with your team, they may hold you back from bringing more team members on board, having meaningful conversations or implementing useful 1-2-1 structures.

One of the fundamental human needs is a sense of belonging. It’s not a nice-to-have. For your team members to thrive, they need to have that real sense of belonging. This needs to be developed and nurtured.

What fears do you need to overcome?

Care personally and challenge directly

Getting communication right is absolutely key in running a successful business. One of the most important things a leader must do is focus on guidance – giving it, receiving it and encouraging it.

Kim Scott, author of Radical Candor, gives us an easy to use framework to recognise where we are in terms of giving feedback. Most clinic owners avoid conflict at all costs and fall into the ruinous empathy quadrant. Whist you genuinely care for the person you may find it tough to give feedback and therefore don’t, which is not helpful for you or the team member concerned.

Radical Candor is a delicate balance between being direct and honest and not offending the person you are giving guidance to – caring personally and challenging directly.

Who do you need to have a radically candid conversation with?


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