Our Blog

Our archive of articles, information & blog posts can be found below

Adults Need Rules

Adults Need Rules

What are yours? Growing Up When we were younger and growing up our parents and teachers gave us a set of rules to behave within. Perhaps it was around the time you went to bed, the food you HAD to eat (finish your vegetables...) or the food that was only for special...

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Dealing with Patient Recalls

Dealing with Patient Recalls

Patient recalls are a great way of improving the patient journey and keeping in touch with your patients, while letting them know you have a genuine interest and care for them.  Standard Patient Recalls It’s a good idea to have a process in place to get in touch with...

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Pause to Reflect on Progress and Celebrate the Wins

Pause to Reflect on Progress and Celebrate the Wins

  To Do List Overwhelm A To Do List can be really helpful in keeping you focussed on what needs to be done but it can also have a negative impact of reminding you of everything you haven't done!  Just looking at the list of endless tasks can send you into...

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Recruiting the Right People

Recruiting the Right People

Recruiting someone new to join your team is exciting, but it can be a daunting task. We’ve outlined a few tips and tricks to help ensure your recruitment process goes smoothly and results in the best outcome for your practice. The Ideal Candidate The first thing you...

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Can You Afford To Treat Insurance Patients

Can You Afford To Treat Insurance Patients

In today’s blog, I’d like to talk about a statement I often hear from practitioners: “I cannot afford to stop servicing insurance patients” My question to you is: can you afford to continue treating insurance patients? I hear from so many clients who feel they are not...

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Why You Should Do Video Marketing

Why You Should Do Video Marketing

According to digital marketing expert Erik Qualman, up to 80% of content viewed on mobile phones is video content, so it’s really important that you’re putting out some sort of video content to engage with your audience. As a clinician, you will clearly provide loads...

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Talk About The Benefits

Talk About The Benefits

Your patients come to you for the benefits of the treatment you provide, not the actual treatment. Imagine a patient has injured his knee playing golf. He doesn’t come to you because he wants to purchase 6 physio treatments (for example), he comes to your clinic...

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Make Patient-Centred Treatment Recommendations

Make Patient-Centred Treatment Recommendations

Are you sure that you’re giving the best treatment recommendation to every single patient that you see? Many practitioners have a real fear of over-treating patients, but when you worry about this, what can actually happen is that you end up under-treating them...

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Are You a Planner or a Doer?

Are You a Planner or a Doer?

Are you a planner or a doer? Planners As a planner, you might thrive off making lists & plans for what to do. You might find that every time you have a spare moment to work on your practice, you take the opportunity to write a new list. Often, this can mean that...

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Make time to work ON your practice

Make time to work ON your practice

As a business owner, it’s so important that you take the time to work ON your business, not just IN it. We know that you are probably aware that in order for your business to be able to achieve the goals you have set for it, you will need to spend time working towards...

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Getting your message right

Getting your message right

People buy why you do what you do, not what you do' Simon Sinek. Getting complete clarity and being able to articulate your 'why' can take time and effort, and therefore often gets brushed aside. (A project to look into when you have time...) It is seemingly far more...

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Your Whys and Your Hows

Your Whys and Your Hows

One of the fundamental things to having a truly successful practice is defining your ‘why’ and your ‘hows’, that is, defining why you do what you do (your purpose), and how you do it (your values). Defining your purpose and your values is key to the success of your...

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How to attract more patients

How to attract more patients

One of the biggest challenges clinicians face is that they don’t know what marketing to pursue. There are so many different options these days, and it can be a minefield trying to work out what will work best for your practice. Our biggest tip when it comes to...

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2020 Review and 2021 Prep

2020 Review and 2021 Prep

2020 has been quite the year! Grab a cup of tea or coffee (or a glass of bubbles!) and give yourself a chance to reflect on the lessons learnt during this past year, the positives that have come out of this year and how you can make the best of 2021. Below are a few...

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Should I Re-Invest in My Practice?

Should I Re-Invest in My Practice?

If you are creating profit in your practice, there are usually three things you can do with this profit: pay down your debt, pay yourself a dividend, or invest it. In this blog, we outline some things that you might want to consider if you are considering re-investing...

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Time is Your Most Important Asset

Time is Your Most Important Asset

We all have the same 86,400 seconds every 24 hours, and we need to just really be able to make the most of it. A great tool for time management is Stephen Covey's matrix. The matrix has four quadrants, which are organised by how urgent they are and how important they...

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The Words We Use

The Words We Use

As clinicians and clinic owners, it's important to ensure that the messages we’re putting out resonate with our audience. It’s very important that we are not communicating too much clinical language and not paying enough attention to thinking about the words and the...

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Plan for Profit Every Month

Plan for Profit Every Month

Out last blog post spoke about marginal gains, and that leads really nicely onto planning for profit.  A big part of planning for profit every month is recognising marginal gains.   Small incremental changes that you make in your practice can actually make a big...

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Building the 1% mindset

Building the 1% mindset

Building a 1% mindset is all about taking account of marginal gains and considering how all the little 1%'s and what they add to, to help build the whole picture. There's a great book called Atomic Habits by James Clear which explains this concept so well. The book is...

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Tips for Content Creation

Tips for Content Creation

Creating content allows your patients to get to know, like and trust you and your team as clinicians. Planning is Key When it comes to content creation, one of the most important things is to put a plan in place. Our clients became a therapists because they want to be...

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Uncover the hidden profits in your business

Uncover the hidden profits in your business

So many clinicians and clinic owners run with only very small profits, at breakeven or even making a loss, and many clinic owners don't pay themselves enough - this is not okay and it's not sustainable. We want to help you identify how to find more profit within your...

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1-2-1s and Team Meetings

1-2-1s and Team Meetings

As a clinic owner, you might not be in the practice at the same time as your team and associates, so it's really important that you schedule regular 1-2-1 meetings with all members of the team. It's also key that you stick to meetings you've arranged - it can be...

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What can you do to make the best out of the current situation?

What can you do to make the best out of the current situation?

One of the podcasts I listened to this week was of Don Miller interviewing Miles Adcox about emotions in the workplace which really got me thinking about how much more we are actually in control of - we are of course in control of ourselves!  I hope my brief summary...

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The 5 C’s of Powerful Communication

The 5 C’s of Powerful Communication

Being successful in business all comes down to being able to communicate effectively, whether that's defining your vision, working together as a team, taking on services or communicating to your prospective, current and former patients. Sales and marketing is simply...

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